Kitten Age- Quick Guide to How to Tell the Age of a Kitten

Birth: At birth kittens usually weigh between 80 – 100 grams

  • New born 0 – 3 days: The umbilical cord is still attached, eyes are closed and ears are folded. Nose and paws may be pink in colour. The kitten is unable to see or hear
  • 7 – 10 days: The eyes & ear canal begin to open
  • 2 – 3 weeks: The kitten begins to stand, the eyes and ears open fully. Eyes will be baby blue and ears will appear small and rounded
  • 4 weeks: The kitten begins playing and exploring its environment
  • 5 weeks: The kitten should be fairly confident on its feet by this age
  • 6+ weeks: Kittens are extremely active. The adult eye colour will begin to emerge
    Two adorable kittens peacefully sleeping together on a soft blanket, embodying warmth and companionship. by Ventttura BioceuticalsA small kitten looks directly at the camera while sitting on the floor, showcasing its adorable features and curiosity. by Venttura Bioceuticals


    Teeth are also a good way to determine age

    Baby teeth

    • 2 weeks: Deciduous or milk incisors (the small teeth at the front) begin to come in
    • 3 – 4 weeks: Deciduous or milk canines (the long, pointy teeth next to the front teeth – incisors) begin to come in
    • 4 – 6 weeks: Deciduous or milk pre-molars (also known as bicuspids, these are the teeth located between the canine and molar teeth) begin to come in
    • 8 weeks: All baby teeth have come in
      A sleepy kitten yawns on a soft pink blanket, showcasing its adorable and relaxed demeanor. by Venttura Bioceuticals

    Adult teeth

    • 12 – 16 weeks: Incisors come in
    • 4 – 6 months: Canines, pre-molars & molars come in
    • 7 months: All adult teeth should be fully developed
      A labeled diagram of a cat with its mouth open, highlighting various anatomical parts for educational purposes. by Venttura Bioceuticals
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